so not bad at all. It is as addicting as Tiger King, but the speech is more elevated and so is the dress code.
Still just something to numb my brain with no essence. Just good good abs! nice abs.
so not bad at all. It is as addicting as Tiger King, but the speech is more elevated and so is the dress code.
Still just something to numb my brain with no essence. Just good good abs! nice abs.
Not sure how exactly this will work out, but I get to decide! so I decide to stop wasting time. Yeah, I am totally writing this while watching Lupin on Netflix and also chatting on social media 🙂 at least I am working on my stop wasting time activity and networking at least.
Now, what did I learn from all the books that I read about self-improvement? GET BUSY! and I will, I will also fine tune my activities and find my way.
And yeah, don’t forget it, I am a multipotentialist!
today I am grateful for Youtube…bless that site and his creators for making our lookdown more enjoyable
I am assuming me and you that might read this and live in a place where reading blogs is a past-time activity. We are spoiled. Rotten.
I was listening to Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl and had to think about all of us, who at some point dare to complain about having to stay at home because of the Corona Pandemic. Oh poor us, we only have Netflix and Prime to keep us company. Myes…poor us.
To believe means to listen, turning to the Heaven we hold within, seeking to achieve the greatest feat of all, the only one possible: a life lived in harmony with our fellow human beings and with the world, a life lived poetically (that is, for Good), in which we face every day with spirituality. Music can be the light that guides our way.
Andrea Bocelli
well I couldn’t have said it any better
Boy oh boy did I read some good stuff this year, and I plan on re-reading some of them next year.
let’s see what my Goodreads has to say about this:
longest book: The Sandman by Neil Gaiman – 3000 pages – well tbh, this was a audio book, brilliantly done, full cast, loved every moment. Was expecting a long story, got short-stories, but the performance of the cast was so great!
shortest book: The philosophy of Snoopy – Charles M. Schulz – 80 pages – an expensive book, was rather disappointed. I do write this while wearing a Snoopy pajama.
5 Stars books worth mentioning:
What I Know For Sure – Oprah Winfrey ( brilliant, my new favorite),
The Secret (audiobook full cast) – Rhonda Byrne,
Mistborn series and Skyward series by Brandon Sanderson,
Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins,
The Grand Hotel (audiobook full cast) by Scott Kenemore,
The Man on the Mountaintop ( audiobook full cast) by Susan Trott,
The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides (woau this was an unexpected amazing thing) and
the book that changed my life
What to Say When You Talk to Yourself by Shad Helmstetter
What I Know For Sure, The Secret and What to Say When You Talk to Yourself are gonna be yearly rereads for me.
inspired by this . Because our Lord and Savior knows what is up.
This year was, as anyone knows, different and challenging, but I have to give it to God, for me it was the best year!
I have learned so much about myself, learned so much about who my friends are, learned what I need and what I don’t, learned who is there for me and who is not, and who, in this foreign country, are my friends. Surprisingly, only one German, everyone else are … well immigrants, like me. We do bound together and get things done! But I feel that those 4-5 people are more than enough, I don’t need more friends. I need acquaintances, but I am good with the quality of friends.
Work was also good, had the luck to avoid humans and work remotely, and cuz reasons, I had to step up and learn so much in such a short time, that I am impressed by myself.
I admit, I still encounter racism, just had that lovely experience a few days ago, but I am trying to leave it behind me, I refuse to carry it around with me. Didn’t expect it from someone my age, but voila, people are…well…well.
Next post is gonna be about my favorite books 2020 and what books I plan on reading every year. There are some, that will get repeated. Some gems, that deserve that. Some books that change my life.
I am working out daily, well 3 days, one rest day, and I expect results. My plan was to get to 62 kg by the end of the year. But how exactly is that going to happen, if I eat so much crap holiday food?
Why do we do this? Why do we gorge ourselves with food during the holidays? Is this something that got left from the times when there was no food? Is it because of the pre-Christmas time, the fasting? even though, fasting is damn healthy and every vegan and vegetarian will agree that you just feel better.
So why do we do this to ourselves? Christmas, in this day and age, should be about our loved ones, spending time with them and not eating all that mayonnaise and sugar. Why so much food? why can’t we have these foods another day? why do they have to be confined to this 24-1 days? Everyone complains about eating too much and not feeling well.
What about this radical idea: eat as you always do. Cook just the amount of food you need. Talk to your family or friends and each cooks one thing and you share and exchange. And so you won’t feel guilty for having to eat it, because throwing it away is definitely not an option. And you have a bit from everything.
this, sitting in bed alone with my laptop and chilling an relaxing, watching some udemy course of VBA is, in this moment, my kind of heaven.
I was so tired and I so needed this break. And I gladly recommend you all to do some self-care, don’t feel guilty about it, just take some time off. I shut down my phone, no distractions, no games, just this.
I can only be productive and a better person and take care of others(or their business) if I take care of myself,
this is my heaven, this is my religion.