Boy oh boy did I read some good stuff this year, and I plan on re-reading some of them next year.
let’s see what my Goodreads has to say about this:
longest book: The Sandman by Neil Gaiman – 3000 pages – well tbh, this was a audio book, brilliantly done, full cast, loved every moment. Was expecting a long story, got short-stories, but the performance of the cast was so great!
shortest book: The philosophy of Snoopy – Charles M. Schulz – 80 pages – an expensive book, was rather disappointed. I do write this while wearing a Snoopy pajama.
5 Stars books worth mentioning:
What I Know For Sure – Oprah Winfrey ( brilliant, my new favorite),
The Secret (audiobook full cast) – Rhonda Byrne,
Mistborn series and Skyward series by Brandon Sanderson,
Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins,
The Grand Hotel (audiobook full cast) by Scott Kenemore,
The Man on the Mountaintop ( audiobook full cast) by Susan Trott,
The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides (woau this was an unexpected amazing thing) and
the book that changed my life
What to Say When You Talk to Yourself by Shad Helmstetter
What I Know For Sure, The Secret and What to Say When You Talk to Yourself are gonna be yearly rereads for me.